Today I had my 20 week ultrasound. We found out it's a boy! As far as we can tell, everything is well and baby boy Helm is all healthy. I paid special attention to his kidneys, since Tenley had an issue there, and they look very good. He's measuring almost a week ahead of schedule. I'm hoping that means we were about a week off with the due date, rather than being on the track to having a huge baby at the end of this. I think it's a good chance we had the date slightly wrong. Today he was head down, with his back to my back. Hoping this child does a 180, but very glad he's head down. I know he's got a long time to move all kinds of crazy ways, but Tenley never moved from her favorite position - head down, back to my belly. We had a ton of ultrasounds with her and she was always like that from the beginning.
We haven't chosen a name yet, but Stephen and I are having fun looking through them. We're both pretty picky, so it might be awhile yet. We're very excited to add a little boy to the mix and looking forward to seeing Tenley grow up with her little brother!
Overall, I feel great. I'm well past the tired/sick phase, and haven't made it into the "I'm so big I can't breathe" phase. I've had trouble with my SI joint again this time around, but with weekly/biweekly adjustments and massages (aka "muscle work") with a chiropractor, I'm much more comfortable. Everything with this pregnancy seems to be exactly as it was with Tenley. The only difference is that I started feeling him move around about 1 week earlier, felt a real kick about 4 weeks earlier, and started feeling light braxton hicks about 4 weeks earlier than last time - but I think that just comes with a 2nd pregnancy.