Last Friday morning, Easton and Langston came over while Jessica taught a Truth Talk class at North High School. When Tenley woke up, she was so excited to see Easton and play with him! This is a video of them playing with blocks together.
A couple weeks ago, I started teaching Tenley the sign language for "please." I really didn't think she was catching on (I didn't try long...I know, I should have), and I kept forgetting, so I was really inconsistent with teaching her. Every once in awhile I would help her sign, show her the sign, and try to help her understand what it meant. This Sunday when Tenley wanted a snack of Cheerios, I said "Say please," and she signed it! I was blown away. It had probably been a few days since I had even attempted to remind her of it, yet she remembered. Now that I know she's catching on, I am going to try to be more consistent and add more signs. That way she'll be able to initiate the signs and communicate with us easier until she can say more words. "Please" is putting your hand on your chest and rubbing in a circle. This is a video of her signing "please."
Today (Monday), Stephen watched Tenley for a few hours while I taught Truth Talk classes at Bosse High School and had a chiropractor appointment. When I came home he told me Tenley was walking, and I was sure he was joking. Sure enough, she had taken some steps! She is still unsure, but she's doing a great job! I'm so proud of her! I think she was pretty tired of "performing" for us, but I did get a short video of a few small steps.