Tenley and Hayden both love to be outside. Tenley is always saying "go, "shoes," "bye-bye," and "stroller" to try to get me to take her outside. Hayden is also learning to love the outdoors; his favorite things outside are taking walks and laying under a tree with us on a blanket.
swimming together |
fun dunking daddy |
Tenley and Navy - splash park with cousins |
Hayden joining in the fun at the splash park |
picnic under our tree |
Wesselman's woods with cousin Annie |
backyard fun at home |
Tenley like to push Hayden in the stroller |
Tenley and friend Satori at the zoo |
Another thing we tried this week was potty training Tenley. We tried around 17.5 months and she just wasn't ready physically, but she thought it was fun. She is 20.5 months now, and we have learned after the last 2 days that she is now physically ready, but just doesn't want to do it. Hopefully third time will be a charm (whenever that may be), and she will be BOTH mentally and physically ready! I'm glad we tried, though, and it just helps me know what to watch out for later. It's a learning process for all of us. Here is how the day and a half went:
Day 1
9:15 wake
10:30 pee on floor
1:30 start to pee on stool, carry to potty still peeing, finish on potty
2 nap
5:30 wake, dry!, pee on potty
6:15 poop on floor, carry to potty, finish on potty
7:45 pee on floor
8:30 bed
Day 2
8:30 wake
10:30 pee on floor, slip, smack head hard on the floor
Diaper back on!!
My strategy was no diaper or underwear - she was naked from the waist down. I treated it as something she needed to learn, not something she was doing wrong on purpose. So I would say "uh-oh" and explain it to her, rather than say "no" and act disappointed or frustrated. This was harder for Stephen, so I've also learned that it may be better to start on a day he is working next time. :) She got a treat (dried fruit) for getting anything in the potty. I started out trying to take her every 15 minutes, but quickly learned that wasn't going to happen. She didn't want to, and really didn't need to - she held it for 2-4 hours each time. So I just took her once or twice every hour, and asked/reminded her MANY times in between. My conclusion is that she knows how to hold it and knows what we wanted her to do, and I think she could really do it if she wanted to. But for some reason right now, she has no desire. It may have to do with the slight jealousy that has been popping up because Hayden is getting bigger and becoming more interactive. Whatever it is, she isn't ready right now, and that is okay. We will keep assessing along the way, and when the time is right and she is ready, it will all click!