Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hayden On the Move; No More Paci

Just wanted to post a little update on how Hayden's physical therapy is going.  We love his therapist, Melissa.  She comes once a week for an hour and is very helpful in giving me tips on how to work with Hayden to encourage his gross motor skills throughout the week.  At the beginning of all of this (a little over a month ago), Hayden wasn't rolling over, HATED being on his belly, and couldn't get from-here-to-there on his own in any way.  He is now rolling over all the time and uses it as a way to get himself across a room.  Plus, he is now a belly sleeper!  I love that because it helps him sleep-in some mornings.  He doesn't have a problem being on his belly at all anymore.  When he is sitting on a hard surface, he can now scoot himself on his bottom anywhere he'd like to go.  It's so nice to have him more mobile!  Yeah, he can get into more things, but he is learning to obey and is MUCH more content to play on his own and explore.  It is so great.  Below is a video taken a little over a week ago when he had just gotten the hang of scooting.  Our next thing to tackle is getting him to be able to get to a sitting position from laying down.  His muscles are getting stronger and stronger, we can tell each week.  It's just a matter of time before this little guy will be running around destroying everything...Oh My!  Hayden, maybe you can hold off on the whole walking/running thing until the house sells.  :)

Another update on both Tenley and Hayden: they are both now paci-free!  I started noticing that Tenley's 2 top front teeth were beginning to buck out a little bit - not bad, but I could tell.  I don't believe she's doing any damage to her adult teeth, but I also don't want her baby teeth sticking out.  She only used her paci during naps and nighttime, but she sleeps at least 12 hours each night and takes a 3 hour nap, so she really does have it A LOT!  I did not warn her.  I just noticed her teeth one morning, then at nap time I told her that her paci was hurting her teeth, so she couldn't have it anymore.  She asks for it still, but when I give her the reason, she doesn't fuss at all.  Yes, she is my easy kid, haha.  Now for Hayden, I can already tell he is much more...stubborn...than Tenley.  After reading recently the struggle my friend, Cassie, went through taking her son's paci away at age 3, I decided to nip this thing in the bud and take it away now, at 14 months!  He didn't care a whole lot for the thing anyway, but did use it to fall asleep and then spit it out.  I wanted to avoid any greater attachment that we'd have to break, and he has done just fine with it.  YAY!