Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Brown County July 2012

The Helm family has had a tradition for a long time of going to Brown County State Park together and staying in the family cabins.  This year almost everyone was able to come, and we had a great time.  Heidi and her family were the only ones not there, and we missed them.  Hopefully we will all be together next year, and maybe on the beach!  

If I'm being really honest, leading up to this week I was excited, but part of me was also dreading it.  As the time came closer to leave, though, I felt like I needed a vacation from normalcy ASAP, so I was ready to go.  I was nervous about almost a whole week with 20 people in 2 cabins getting less than adequate sleep and going almost nonstop during the day, but it actually turned out great!  The first night was a little rough, with Tenley being awake and up from 2-7am, but once she got comfortable in her new surroundings, she slept her normal 12 hours for the remaining 3 nights.  Woohoo!  

I really enjoyed spending time with our great family the whole time.  I am so thankful to have in-laws who accept me without question and unconditionally love me as a sister/daughter of their own.  They are some of my greatest friends and allies - all of them.  Praise the Lord for this incredible support system He has blessed us with.  

This week we hiked, swam, rode horses/ponies, shopped/walked the shops in Nashville, read, talked, cooked, ate, and played games together.  We were wiped out by the end, but it was worth it.  Below are 2 videos of what I believe were Tenley's favorite highlights of the week: riding a pony and going on the big slide!  She had so much fun!

Hayden 6 months

My baby boy is getting big so fast!  Hayden had his 6 month check up today.  It was a little late because of vacation and other scheduling issues, so he is really 6 1/2 months old.  The measurements in the picture above were taken at home the day before he turned 6 months.  He has grown an inch since then, in only 2.5 weeks!  Today he measured 27.5" (77th percentile), 17lbs 12oz (44th), and head circumference of 44.5cm.  This boy is tall!  He is as healthy and happy as ever.  Hayden is not eating any solid foods yet - still nursing exclusively.  Since that is proving to be nourishing and growing him quite well, we will continue with only nursing for at least a couple months more.  Babies get all the nutrition they need from momma's milk through their first year.  I'm not sure if we will wait that long until giving him solid foods, but that is for sure an option. We'll just play it by ear considering what I feel like doing, what Hayden seems to desire, and how his growth progresses.

Hayden is rolling over from back to belly and belly to back, but isn't sitting up yet.  Tenley was sitting up by now, but the doctor said Hayden is still in the normal range of things and we shouldn't be worried about it unless he is still not sitting or having the reflexes that come before sitting (putting your arms out to catch yourself in front and on side) by 8 months or so.  Another thing I asked about was Hayden not wanting to use his legs to support his weight when we stand him up.  He kicks like crazy, and the doctor saw that full well.  He agreed that it may just be that Hayden doesn't really care to stand right now, and it is nothing to worry about because his legs seem to work perfectly fine and his muscles seem good and strong and everything else seems perfectly healthy.

I am not worried about him at all, and right now I am just thanking God every day for keeping my baby boy in this baby stage for as long as possible.  It is so hard to let go of each stage, even though I know I will enjoy the next stages just as much.  Being able to cuddle on Hayden without him running (or crawling, scooting, etc) away fends off baby fever and for that I am thankful.  :)  I think 6 months is one of my absolute favorite ages so far.  They adore Mom and Dad, smile and sleep a lot, learn new things every day, and don't rebel much yet.

Just to compare, at 6 1/2 months Tenley was 25 3/4" (almost 2" shorter) and about 19lbs (almost 1.5lbs more).  Haha!  I don't compare to say that they should be the same, but it is just fun to see how each baby is different in their own little ways.  They are both perfect in this mommy's eyes.