Speaking of teeth, Tenley just got her first tooth! This could explain why we had a very rough Sunday night and she didn't nap at all on Monday. When we went swimming Monday afternoon, Aunt Jessica discovered her first tooth - it's a bottom one. I was a little worried it would continue to bother her, but last night she slept 13 hours straight, and she's already down for her first nap, so I think we're good. Yay!
Another fun thing Tenley and I have been able to do this summer is spend a lot of time with my niece, Annie. We get to hang out with her while my sister works a couple of days a week for a few hours at a time. We do crafts, play games, read books, run errands, take walks, go swimming, etc. Yesterday Annie helped me with something new for her, and I think she had some fun with it. We made laundry soap! The last time I made laundry detergent, it was early February. So 1 batch lasts me a little over 4 months. I didn't have to buy any more ingredients either, so that was nice. I spent under $10 the first time, so, so far $10 has bought me 8+ months of cloth diaper safe laundry detergent, which I use on everything. Annie did such a good job helping grate, stir (making some wild whirlpools :) ), and measure. There are some pictures below of our adventure.
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