On Februay 28, Hayden turned 2 months old! He had a doctor's appointment that day and is now 23" and 12lbs 9oz (50th percentile in both areas). I looked up my record on Tenley, and one week before she turned 2 months, she was 22.5" and 12lbs 14oz. Haha, I think that is about the time she started to chunk up!
This month, Hayden has slowly started to fall into a better routine. He still only sleeps about 5 1/2 hours at night, eats, and will go right back down and sleep 3-4 hours more. I am trying to be patient and tell myself this won't last forever. Tenley was sleeping 8-9 hours at this point, so this is a new experience for me. Hayden also eats pretty frequently during the day still. We have gotten into a decent eat/wake/sleep routine, and much of the time he doesn't cry a bit when going down for a nap. But I'd say at least 75% of the time, he wakes up in the middle of his naps. Half the time he will cry himself back to sleep. The other half he won't, and will have to wake up and eat. So depending on how his naps go, he eats every 2-3 hours during the day. Even though this schedule is not what I would call ideal, I will say that Babywise has still helped a lot. If I had not worked with Hayden to get him to fall into a schedule this month, life would be a lot more difficult. He is so unhappy when he doesn't get enough sleep, and I have learned that it is much harder for him to fall asleep and stay asleep if you hold him. He would rather just work it out on his own in his crib! That is very nice for me when we are at home. It causes some issues when we are gone a lot during the day, but I think he will learn to adjust more easily as he gets older.
When he is awake, Hayden is developing such a fun personality. He loves to smile and coo and talk to you! He also loves watching his sister - she is such an interesting character! His favorite toy is the basketball that hangs from his car seat. He could stare at that thing all day I think.
Hayden had his first trip to the zoo yesterday, and slept through the whole thing. He loves the stroller. Tenley had so much fun watching all of the animals. I think the monkeys were her favorite!
Tenley and Hayden are about to go on their first overnight trip. We are going up to Indy to see my Aunt and Grandma. I'm excited to see them and introduce them to Hayden for the 1st time.
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