Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tenley is TWO!!

Tenley Grace is two years old!  So far, "twos" aren't terrible at all.  Our most difficult time was probably around 18 months when we had to spend more time figuring out discipline and obedience.  Of course she has her moments of testing boundaries or just getting crazy tired, but overall, she is very obedient and teachable.  She is such a joy.  She is a great helper and loves to learn and do whatever I am doing.   She has a great personality, full of laughter and kindness.  She is so friendly and outgoing and has so much love for life.  Even though I try to teach her, I have a lot to learn from her too.

God blessed me with a sleeper.  He knew I needed it; I am a sleeper too.  Tenley still sleeps at least 12 hours each night (8pm-8am).  If she's exceptionally worn out, she can easily sleep 14.  She also takes one nap each day that is about 3 hours long (2-5pm).

She is saying 2-word phrases now.  Some of her favorites are Papa's house, all done, socks shoes, and Bubba's seat.  She talks all day in her own little language, though.  She understands just about everything I say to her and she loves to learn new words.  Some of her favorites to ask about are body parts.  Of course,  she has a brother, and they bathe together.  Awesome.  I am still claiming that I can avoid those questions.  I'd rather not teach her words that I don't want her to repeat all day!

I am not hard core potty training and don't have a plan to for now.  She has a potty sticker chart.  She has come to me a couple times asking to go and has success.  She tells me every time after she poops, but never before.  She even sometimes tells me after she pees, but not often.  I ask her every day a few times if she wants to go, and usually even if she wants to sit, she doesn't go.  We're moving slowly in the right direction and surprisingly, I'm totally okay with that.

homemade "paint" in ziploc bag, taped to table

she loves water play!

learning time - eating apples, "A" apple coloring page, using red crayon

We had 2 birthday parties for Tenley.  One was a combined birthday party for all 6 of the September and October Roehr family birthdays.  The other was for the Helm side.  Both were a lot of fun!

Tenley loves her new car

Helm party was "You Are My Sunshine" + rainbow theme

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