Yep, it's true. I'm pregnant. There, I said it. 8 weeks today! I had a 2nd ultrasound today and Tenley and I got to hear little brother or sister's heartbeat for the first time: a strong 165. The tech says baby is about the size of a peanut, and I think baby looks more like a peanut than a baby right now anyway! My projected due date is the first week of January 2012. I've been experiencing all-day queasiness for a couple weeks now and I've been super tired as well. Thankfully, Tenley loves to sleep too, so I just nap when she does! Overall I've been feeling great, and we're very excited and thankful for God's blessing of another child. This is why I've been trying to start Tenley on solid foods! I was going to wait until 9 months or so, but now I would like her to be completely weaned by 12 months. We have taken a break for now, and we'll start back in a week or two. Thank you for your prayers as our little family starts to expand!
Yippee!! Congratulations! :)