I started giving Tenley "solid" food on May 9, 2011, at 7 months old. We started with rice cereal, which she still doesn't like much. She'll eat a few bites and never spits it out, but she's done with it pretty quickly.
Sweet peas was next, and those were much better than green beans. Still not her favorite, but no crazy faces. Yesterday and today we finally tried fruit! Yum!...right? Well, she hates pears for now. The faces she made were worse than the green bean faces! She gagged and I actually thought she might throw up twice. It was the first food she actually spit out, but I don't think it was on purpose - she couldn't help it! She's such a trooper and really tries to eat what I give her, but for now, Tenley hates every food she's tried.
In other news, Tenley now loves bath time and splashing Mommy. She also has a favorite book about colors - it might be her favorite toy too. She's becoming very clingy, which is cute sometimes, and frustrating at times as well. If I leave the room or step out of sight, her world comes to an end and she just sobs. Thankfully, she is still easily distracted, so if we are leaving her with someone, she quickly forgets we have gone.
Another new thing she really enjoys is swinging! She went swinging for the first time last week with Aunt Jessica and cousins Navy, Easton, and Kenan. Now every time we go for a stroll at Wesselman Park, we stop by the swings for some extra fun. One of these days we'll have to convince Daddy to get her a swing set for our back yard.
Tenley is also learning to get around on her own. She hasn't figured out how to crawl forward yet, but she gets pretty much anywhere she wants by rolling and scooting backwards and sideways. She has fun practicing standing with Mom and Dad, but is still way too wobbly to walk! Soon she'll be pulling up on her own - Daddy will have to learn quickly how to baby proof his TV!
Tenley is growing up so fast! I'm so proud of our baby girl and feel so blessed to be her Mommy. We enjoy watching her grow and move and learn new things. She's so full of joy and loves life. We love our Tenley Grace!
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