Today, we (okay, my Dad :) ) painted our 3rd bedroom in preparation for baby #2. We have another 5 months to go, but I have a lot of fun preparing things like this. We had Tenley's room all done around this time during the last pregnancy too. The room we redid today will be Tenley's new room when baby #2 arrives, around late December/early January.
Yesterday my Mom found a great bedding set at a garage sale with crib skirt, bumper, pillow, memory board, rug, and 12 basket liners -- ALL handmade by the seller's mom. They are made from excellent fabrics, have great finishing touches, and don't look handmade at all - in a good way. :) The whole set was $25 and also included a mobile that I don't really like so I won't use.
A few weeks ago we picked up a crib and matching changing table for $30 - what a good deal. I put the bedding on the crib last night and the blue clashed terribly with the blue cloud walls. Yay! I finally get to paint these walls and get rid of these clashing curtains! Why didn't I get rid of the clashing curtains earlier? I don't know - I guess I didn't like the look of the room enough to put much work into it until I got to really change it with paint.
After asking some advice, I decided to go with gray. I was nervous, and as the paint started to go on I thought I had gotten a color that was too dark. Darn. But the more we covered up that blue, the better it looked. I love the way it has turned out.
Paint was $20. Add to that a great wall picture frame from Target still in the packaging that I got from a garage sale this morning for $1, and a whole "new" room cost just $76. I'm sure I'll add in a couple things here and there in the next few months to finish it off, but it looks like we're going to have this baby room put together from scratch for a very good price.
Also in this new room is our piano, a bookshelf with baskets, and some storage bins, because we have very limited storage space...or we have way too much stuff. The room is very small, but I think we've done the best we can with the space we have.