Tenley's 9 month appointment was today. She turned 9 months on June 27, so it's a few days late. Today she was 20 lbs and 27 inches. In weight, she's thinning out, which was to be expected. The doctor says breastfed babies tend to be a little chunkier 0-6 months and then start to thin. She was always in the 95th percentile, but now she's in the 65th. She's a little on the short side, but we've got some pretty short girls on both sides of this family, so that's to be expected as well. Overall, she's a super healthy baby girl! She had 2 shots today (boo!), but after a short cry, she was fine. She's such a trooper.
9 months old has been so much fun so far! She's learning new things every day. She can get almost anywhere she wants, but not by crawling forward. She crawls backward, rolls, scoots on her booty - anything but crawling forward. She also loves trying new food, especially if Mommy and Daddy are eating. She loved celebrating the 4th of July with fireworks. She watched them on 3 nights. We've also been trying to have some good outdoor time, when it's not too hot. She loves being outside. She loves to swim, swing, play with bubbles, and go on walks.
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