Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Yesterday Tenley crawled (for real) for the first time! Stephen, Tenley, and I had gone over to Jonathan and Rebecca's house to watch a movie and play with Navy. Tenley sat down on the blanket, eyed a toy she wanted, and just crawled to it! I was so surprised. She did it twice, I got out the camera, and then she refused to crawl again. Oh, well. She still had a lot of fun playing with Navy and the toys she wasn't used to.

Today I took Tenley to my parent's house to show off her new "trick." She crawled a lot over there! I finally got a short video. Another little new thing is that Tenley has finally realized that she needs to chew food before swallowing it. She was so used to liquid or very thin foods that chunks are a big change for her. She would even choke on puffs if I broke them in to fourths. They dissolve very easily, so I just let her pick them up and eat them and "choke" slightly each day until she finally figured out what to do. Now puffs (whole ones :) ) are her favorite snack.

Here is the video I got of her crawling today! Yay, Tenley!! Good job! It is still not her favorite thing to do, but I think once she realizes she can get around and gets more used to it, she will be crawling all over the place.

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